
We want to thank all our donors, old and new, for their contribution. Without you it is not possible to finance and do all research!
We are also still getting (big) anonimous donations in 2023 and 2024, thank you so much!
08-12-'23 € 20 Herma de Mik
18-12-'22 € 25 Mariëlle
31-12-'21 € 305 Christmas campaign Stichting de Fret (SDF), Frettenvraagbaak
12-12-'21 € 1000 Brigitte ten Wolde
28-07-'21 € 50 Sasha Jelissen
19-04-'21 € 20 Ruby Rayne
22-02-'20 € 100 Edo van Uchelen
10-02-'20 € 10 Priscilla Gijsberts
28-11-'19 € 150 Frettenvraagbaak auction
14-10-'19 € 100 Yvonne Huysman
11-10-'19 € 100 Janita Hilhorst
07-10-'19 € 40 Bavo Sweep
26-07-'19 € 300 Frettenvraagbaak auction
30-06-'19 € 50 Nadine Kerroua
18-05-'19 € 40 Geke Langius
14-05-'19 € 30 Sylvia
14-05-'19 € 1000 Mayke van Wijk
14-05-'19 € 100 Daniel Vidal
30-03-'19 € 50 Margit
28-03-'19 € 100 Mette van Eck / Lelibel
25-03-'19 € 20 Ruth Bell
10-02-'19 € 300 Stichting de Fret
31-01-'19 € 50 Stichting de Fret
31-01-'19 € 300 Chaimel Lerou
02-01-'19 € 50 Nadine Kerroua
24-12-'18 - 28-12-'18 € 160 Dutch yearly christmas ferret charity (Kerstactie)
23-12-'18 € 50 Sophie Plas
23-12-'18 € 25 Hetty Peters
23-12-'18 € 25 Margit
21-12-'18 € 5 Leroy en Mariette
16-12-'18 € 25 Marina de Jong
11-12-'18 € 100 Jorica Louwen
30-11-'18 € 10 Agnes Paijmans
26-10-'18 € 25 Marty van Osch
23-10-'18 € 5 unknown
27-09-'18 € 50 Janita Hilhorst
25-09-'18 € 100 Chaimel Lerou
25-09-'18 € 5 Gabriëlla Klijnsma
25-09-'18 € 100 Chanine en Bart
24-09-'18 € 10 Wilma
24-09-'18 € 50 Nadine Kerroua
22-09-'18 € 50 Rick vd Valk
22-09-'18 € 50 Martine Meilink
20-09-'18 € 100 unknown
18-09-'18 € 20 Rachelle Hamar de la Brethonière
18-09-'18 € 15 Lisette van der Waal
18-09-'18 € 10 Kim Theunissen
18-09-'18 € 25 Britt
18-09-'18 € 15 Lineke
18-09-'18 € 30 Annemieke van Keulen
17-09-'18 € 100 Stichting de Fret
26-08-'18 € 50 Mette van Eck / Lelibel
25-08-'18 € 10 Donny en Cheryl
25-08-'18 € 50 Margit van Grunsven
24-08-'18 € 15 Sandra
02-08-'18 € 25 Team Bean
23-07-'18 € 45 Nadine Kerroua
15-07-'18 € 25 Helen Willemse and Gwin de Kluys
19-06-'18 € 20 Mother of Miranda Rotteveel
13-06-'18 € 15 Helen Willemse and Gwin de Kluys
09-06-'18 € 200 Stichting de Fret
07-06-'18 € 10 Heidi van Vugt
07-06-'18 € 15 Annabel Lijten
01-06-'18 € 50 Karen Pedro
28-05-'18 € 52 Frettenvraagbaak auction
26-05-'18 € 15 Miranda Rotteveel
24-05-'18 € 25 Melissa Hardam
25-05-'18 € 15 Christina Jamison
20-05-'18 € 1000 De Frettendag
18-05-'18 € 50 Fred Kimpel
15-05-'18 € 10 Ferretry a Winter's Tale
08-05-'18 € 25 Helen Willemse and pension
08-05-'18 € 15 E van Reede
04-04-'18 € 15 Fabienne
04-04-'18 € 20 Ferretry Bunch of colors
04-04-'18 € 5 Marga Zoeteman/Baco Ferretry
25-03-'18 € 200 Daniel Vidal Rubio
21-03-'18 € 500 Dental prosthetic practice Brigitte ten Wolde
21-03-'18 € 500 Brigitte ten Wolde and Raymond Venneman
18-03-'18 € 5 Leroy van Eenige
16-03-'18 € 50 Maribel Brouwer
09-03-'18 € 100 Frettenvraagbaak auction
06-03-'18 € 50 Sietske
03-03-'18 € 15 Gepke Peters
01-03-'18 € 100 Frettenvraagbaak auction
01-03-'18 € 100 Wishing Star family
15-02-'18 € 100 Frettenvraagbaak auction
01-02-'18 € 250 Rob van der Sluis
01-02-'18 € 100 Monique Flippo
30-01-'18 € 25 Janita Hilhorst
21-01-'18 € 15 Germain Verschuren
18-01-'18 € 10 Fam. Driehuis
15-01-'18 € 100 Frettenvraagbaak auction
13-01-'18 € 200
13-01-'18 € 25 Leonie de Kluys
01-01-'18 € 150 Wishing Star family
28-12-'17 € 100 Frettenvraagbaak auction
23-12-'17 € 10 Trea Brouwer
22-12-'17 € 25 Karin en Ruud
22-12-'17 € 150 Jorien
22-12-'17 € 5 Ruth Bell
22-12-'17 € 20 Sanne
21-12-'17 € 15 Eveline Bloks
21-12-'17 € 100 Vereniging Frettenfokkers Nederland
20-12-'17 € 5 Heidi
19-12-'17 € 25 Marina de Jong
19-12-'17 € 50 Pieter Breuring
19-12-'17 € 200 Stichting De Fret
19-12-'17 € 100 Yvonne Huysman
19-12-'17 € 200 Mette van Eck / Lelibel
08-12-'17 € 100 Frettenvraagbaak auction
23-11-'17 € 18 Frettenvraagbaak auction
Donations of special value
A special thanks to:
- Karen Pedro of Make My Day Ferrets for her research contributions to the workgroup.
- Chaimel Lerou of Stichting Fret & Welzijn for her financial and research contributions to the workgroup.
- Hanneke Roest of the Frettenkliniek for the enormous amount of time, expertise and collaboration.
Submit a donation